Today, The 583rd anniversary of Alisher Navoi is widely celebrated at AUT in cooperation with the administration of Yashnabad district.
At the Сotton breeding, Seed Production, and Agrotechnologies research institute, a meeting was held with specialists of the institute with mr. Yong Won Shin, the director of the Korean Institute of Climate Change and with the rector AUT.
Today, the winners of the "My University" contest held among the students of Ajou University were awarded.
At Ajou University in Tashkent, a meeting was organized with Korean experts who discussed one of the global problems today - climate change.
A group of entrepreneurs from the Republic of Korea visited Ajou University in Tashkent with the aim of implementing several innovative projects in our country
Ajou University, whose educational system meets world standards, combines practice and theory, adopted Korean educational methods, and has a team of international and Korean professors, has turned 4 years old.
Today, The 583rd anniversary of Alisher Navoi is widely celebrated at AUT in cooperation with the administration of Yashnabad district.
At the Сotton breeding, Seed Production, and Agrotechnologies research institute, a meeting was held with specialists of the institute with mr. Yong Won Shin, the director of the Korean Institute of Climate Change and with the rector AUT.
Today, the winners of the "My University" contest held among the students of Ajou University were awarded.
At Ajou University in Tashkent, a meeting was organized with Korean experts who discussed one of the global problems today - climate change.
A group of entrepreneurs from the Republic of Korea visited Ajou University in Tashkent with the aim of implementing several innovative projects in our country
Ajou University, whose educational system meets world standards, combines practice and theory, adopted Korean educational methods, and has a team of international and Korean professors, has turned 4 years old.