Today, a "Job Fair" was held at Ajou University in Tashkent City.
Adjuda “AJOU DAY” — Yoshlar forumi o‘tkaziladi
Congratulations to the following students on being selected for the “Exchange” and "Visiting students" programs.
The representatives of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in AUT
The next Science Olympiad of AUT was held in Tashkent region
Today, a "Job Fair" was held at Ajou University in Tashkent City.
Adjuda “AJOU DAY” — Yoshlar forumi o‘tkaziladi
Congratulations to the following students on being selected for the “Exchange” and "Visiting students" programs.
The representatives of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in AUT
The next Science Olympiad of AUT was held in Tashkent region