Aleksandr Fedorov - modernist arxitektura ishqibozi va tadqiqotchisi.
@tashkent_modernism loyihasi muallifi va Toshkent modernizmiga oid bir qancha e'lonlarning grafik dizayneri va mediarassomidir. 25-oktabr kuni u Toshkentdagi Adju Universitetining Arxitektura fakulteti talabalari uchun “Toshkent modernizmi” mavzusida maxsus muzokara o‘tqazdi.
Alexander Fedorov is a modernist architecture enthusiast and researcher.
He is the author of the project @tashkent_modernism and the graphic designer and media artist of several posters related to Tashkent Modernism. On October 25, he gave a special lecture on Tashkent Modernism to the students of Ajou University's Architecture department in Tashkent.