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Prospective projects

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Prospective projects

Ajou University in Tashkent has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant, one of the most competent enterprises in the country. Of course, the purpose of this is to form the staff of the company and meet the needs of highly educated professionals. It is no secret that any competent and skilled specialist plays an important role in the development of the enterprise. There is a great demand in the labor market for both masters and qualified specialists. The existing large industrial enterprises, including the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant, have always been in high demand for educated, mature and competent specialists.


According to this memorandum, the training of qualified personnel in the field of information and communication technologies and civil engineering, mutually beneficial research projects and experimental design work will be implemented.     


As part of the implementation of the memorandum, a group of officials of the plant visited the university. During the meeting, the issues of systematic training of students in the relevant organizations and enterprises of the plant, as well as the organization of their practical training and the employment of graduates were discussed.


The members of the delegation got acquainted with the educational activities of the university, the conditions created for students. A roundtable discussion was held with students on the development of industry on the basis of membership and continuity of higher education, science and development. Students received answers to their questions. At the end of the meeting students found out more about the plant.