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Zulfiyakhanum's birthday was widely celebrated.

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Zulfiyakhanum's birthday was widely celebrated.

     Every year, on the first day of spring, which has become a tradition in our country, the birthday of Zulfiya Israilova, a symbol of elegance and devotion, is widely celebrated. On this day, the birth of Zulfiyakhanum, who has a beautiful heart and unique talent, has become a real holiday of respect, growth and understanding in all regions of the country. On March 1, Ajou University in Tashkent hosted a literary evening entitled "Dawn symbol Zulfiyakhanim is 106 years old."

     It was attended by the rector of Ajou University in Tashkent Mr. G.Muratov, first vice-rector Lim Jay Ik, vice-rector B.Kuchkarov, deans of faculties and students. The event was opened by Vice-Rector B.Kuchkarov, who in his speech said that the first day of spring has a symbolic meaning, beginning with the birthday of our esteemed poet. The sincerity, diligence, fidelity and devotion of our beloved poet are among the qualities worthy of imitation for all the girls of our country. Zulfiya is one of the talented people who has made a great contribution to our spiritual life not only with her unique work, but also with her active social activity. At the end of his speech, Zulfiyakhanum opened the ceremony, wishing the followers of our university to come out as well.

     The literary evening began with a special video dedicated to the life and work of the poet. Students performed national dances, poems written by the poet, monologues and performances. The event was also attended by the winner of the State Prize named after Zulfiya, an employee of the university administration Robiyakhan.